So sorry for the lack of an update yesterday. I was very close to finishing off my current task so I thought it would be worth the wait. I've 'finished' the Voronoi diagram generation! I can't speak much of it's efficiency, and there are still a couple of bugs that need ironing out, but I'll be sure to improve it in the future. I've included a few screenshots of it in game at a number of different map sizes. The smallest shown is a 30 star map that generates in 2-3 seconds (including the time Unity takes to start up- which is a similar time). Next is a 60 star map that takes around 6 seconds to generate. Finally I have included a 90 star map (the largest map) which takes a whopping 15 seconds to generate. However I can't say that the Voronoi generation is responsible much for the longer loading time since the 90 star system has always taken a fair while to generate, and I suspect it is more to do with the map constructor code (line intersections are expensive on that scale!).

30 Star System. Placeholder graphics just to show off the regions
60 Star System. Region shape becomes more interesting and smaller.
90 Star System, many, many regions!
This week I'll be bugfixing and doing minor changes. I'm on holiday for two weeks afterwards with the family. And then back for the final 2 months before uni! Exciting times!
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