Friday, 29 August 2014

Crucible XXVIII 29/08/2014

This post will probably end up being shorter than usual. I spent the start of the week rewriting and fixing the code related to the hero invasion screens and how the various actions heroes can perform actually work. The middle of the week was spent re-writing and optimising both the map generation code, and the code I use to detect and change any connections that are not suitable for the map (eg. if connections between systems overlap). The end of the week was spent fixing bugs and optimising other parts of the code (a lot of this involved converting class to static classes- tedious!). The result of this is that the game can now support many more systems at one time, and the collision detection algorithm can be run in real-time with minimal performance impact. At the moment I'm getting between 70 and 100 FPS when I run the game in a standalone window with the largest map size (90 systems). I will need some serious play testing to test the performance of the improvement algorithms that calculate the resource modifiers, but I'm confident that everything is running nicely. I guess being at a stage where I am spending serious time optimising code means that the game is getting steadily closer to release.

Aside from that I also put in a picture of the milky way to get an idea of how the map should look on release. Unfortunately I don't know if it is a stock image, but would love to credit whoever created it. Also in the screenshot below you should be able to see the map generator working better than it ever has before! Map shapes are interesting and varied and there are enough connections between the right systems to prevent the maps from being too plain or too complex.

Beginning to look really nice!

On running the game in fullscreen I have discovered that the UI is faaaarrr too small. These things are all being noted and I'll fix them closer to release. Next week I will probably work on finishing up the features that are currently in the game, and then get to work on the empire research. Hopefully if I can get the research finished soon, I'll be able to get the other races in the game and work on the AI for some kind of free beta release. Until then, have a good week and thanks for reading!

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